Sunday 6 November 2011

symptoms of high blood pressure

  The heart pumps the blood in arteries with specific force so that blood reaches in every organ from top to bottom. Here Blood pressure means the pressure of the blood on arteries so that it circulates through the body. Blood pressure is high as it leaves the heart and gradually decreases when it enters smaller and smaller blood vessels. In the medical term high blood pressure known as Hypertension. This is a silent killer because most of the people don’t know that they have hypertension and when they know they are at the top level of hypertension.

 Usually, there are no initial symptoms of high blood pressure. Mostly people don’t know that he is suffering from high blood pressure. Here is some common difference between normal blood pressure and high blood pressure.
 Normal blood pressure less than 120/80
 Pre-hypertension 120-139/ 80-89
 High blood pressure (stage 1) 140-159/90-99
 High blood pressure (stage 2) higher than 160/100

 Here are some high blood pressure symptoms which will help you to give attention on your high blood pressure or on your health.
 1. Frequent Headaches,
2. Lightheadedness or Dizziness,
3. Nose Bleeding,
4. Shortness of breath,
5. Face color terns red,
6. Weakness or Fatigue,
7. Visual problems.

 The best way to stay away from this disease to stay away from stress and take balanced diet always. If your blood pressure is chronic then you can experience the following:-
 Heart Attack
  1. Heart Failure
  2. Kidney Failure
  3. Eye damaged
  4. Leg pain with walking
 These are some symptoms or signs of high blood pressure. You should know this. If you want to be healthy then do proper exercise (according to your doctor’s advice) and take healthy food. So be careful form unhealthy food of junk foods.

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